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38, Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press. The Art and Culture of Early Greece, 1100-480 B.C. 3, Stockholm: Svenska Institutet i Athen. General Discussion on Art and Literature." The Greek Renaissance of the Eighth Century B.C.: Tradition and Innovation: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium at the Swedish Institute in Athens, 1-5 June, 1981, Robin Hägg, ed. "Steps Toward Representational Art in 8th Century Vase Painting. "Image and Frame in Greek Art." American Journal of Archaeology, 81(1): p.

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Prothesis and Ekphora in Greek Geometric Art, Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology. "Throne und Klinen." Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, 24: p. 5-6.a-b, London: Cambridge University Press. Greek Geometric Pottery: A Survey of Ten Local Styles and Their Chronology. "A Geometric Oenochoe with Ship Scene in Hobart." American Journal of Archaeology, 71(1): pp. The Art and Architecture of Ancient Greece. "Horned-head Vase Handles." The Journal of Hellenic Studies, 86: pp. "Late Geometric Well Groups from the Athenian Agora." Hesperia, 30(2): p. "Painted Funerary Plaques and Some Remarks on Prothesis." Annual of the British School at Athens, 50: p. "Three Laconian Vase-painters." Annual of the British School at Athens, 49: Boardman, John. 158, 178, Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co. Jahrhunderts." Kerameikos: Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen, Vol. 14d, 14f, Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.

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"Homer und sein Jahrhundert." Das Neue Bild der Antike, Vol. 66, New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

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"A Colossal Dipylon Vase." Bulletin of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 29(10): pp.

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